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Day 2 – Healing Your Incomplete Business

Writer's picture: Les PriceLes Price

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“We do not heal the past by dwelling there. We heal the past by living in the present.” Marianne Williamson

I’m always amazed at the capacity of fire to cleanse and purify. Whether it be in the midst of a bushfire, or simply the burning of logs in an open fire place there is something captivating, mystical and transcending about the nature of fire to release and cleanse the old, in order to allow the new.

All of us in our lives have ‘incomplete business’. Those situations, projects, tasks, activities and relationship issues that we have just not gotten around to completing. Often these items can unconsciously drain our energy and focus, while also holding us back from moving forward in our lives. These incompletes also hold our energy anchored in the past, therefore not allowing us to create what we really want in the present.

Have you ever noticed that a circle that has an aspect of its line missing is incomplete, and will always draw your intention to the part that is missing? In the same way, our incompletes in life will cause us to focus on what has not worked, what is missing and what we seem to be lacking in our lives, rather than allowing our unconscious to revel in all the good that we have actually done.

Therefore, one of the greatest gifts that you can give to your soul and spirit is to:

1.       Reclaim that lost power and presence, by either completing what you have started, or 2.       By simply releasing energetically what has been incomplete in your life, closing the lose ties and surrendering it without guilt.

The Practice

1)      So today I’d simply like you to get a piece of paper or a notebook and write out all the areas where your energy might be incomplete in your life. For example:

  1. Unpaid or incomplete taxes

  2. Friendships where you may have had a falling out

  3. Career, business or personal matters where you felt you failed or came up short

  4. Creative projects that you may have started but not completed

  5. Relationships where you did not communicate or receive closure

2)      When you have finished go through your list and circle those that you are willing to work on and complete. But only commit to those you know that you actually desire, want and know you will complete.

3)      For the remaining items, get some small blank index cards or pieces of paper.

  1. a. On the front of each write down the area or issue that you want to release.

  2. b. On the back write down the feelings you have had about it, and how it makes you feel to have held on to these.

4)      Find a quiet place where you can be alone. Find a candle, matches and a metal bucket or container and go outside.

5)      Light your candle and for each one of the ‘incompletes’ you want to release say a little prayer of gratitude for it, then surrender it to spirit by burning the card/paper and placing it in the bucket. Repeat this ritual for each of the incompletes you need to surrender.

6)      Finally, take all the ashes once they have cooled and make sure to bury them in the ground, as you honour and give yourself complete permission to surrender all of this old energy.

7)      When you are done simply call back your soul energy and spirt from the past. Bring it into your being and feel yourself whole perfect and complete once again.

The Affirmation

Today I release the old to the divine fire of my soul, knowing that I am forgiven, restored and free.

The Question

Where am I holding on to the past and not allowing the new?

The Thought

What joy, freedom and fulfillment would be possible if I was willing to release my attachment to the past?


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